Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Forget colors, I wanna DANCE!

As soon as I tell anyone I am planning a wedding, the immediate question is almost always...
"What are your colors?"

I never know exactly how to respond to this. Although I do understand that the majority of weddings begin with a concept of 2-4 colors that dictate the rest of the scheme, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the restrictions of picking two complimentary colors for a party where I envision so many, many looks and feelings. I've bounced around between so many color choices and just can't seem to settle.

In fact, the first thing that has really inspired me and gave me the exact "ambiance" of what I dream of for our wedding is a song. The Mating Game by BitterSweet gives exactly the romantic, playful, kitschy, loungy feel I want. If I could sum up how I imagine the evening, put it to music and possibly dance around with a hairbrush as a microphone... it would be to this very song.

So now I'm thinking of toally scrapping the idea of choosing colors altogether. I'm sure eventually things will fall into place and I'll have some sort of scheme (I mean, let's get serious... I won't let things clash!), but for now I'm working from an actual feeling that I want to portray. I like to call it "Vintage Glam meets Whimsical Playdate." And as long as everyone gets up to dance... with or without a hairbrush... I'll be happy!

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea...many colors! It also fits with your venue. The glass studio is full of many colors and I think having just as many colors in your scheme will really fit the "feel" of the place. You could have the girls wear similar dresses in say all jewel tones (red, purple, green, etc.) and really colorful flowers and just let it be very fluid and organically put together (or not "put" together, but rather "come" together). Your wedding, like your house, shouldn't be planned, canned stuff, but should be stuff that reflects you and what you've collected and become along your journey, not what comes right from a catalog. Sorry for the novel, I just really like this idea...can you tell?

    <3 Shanna
