Thursday, May 27, 2010

A Same-Sex couple wins Crate & Barrel Ultimate Wedding Contest!

This is such exciting news! An adorable couple from Washington, DC were named the 2nd place winners in The Ultimate Wedding Contest, sponsored by Crate & Barrel.They walk away with $7,500 worth of goodies from the store. Check out how cute they are together...

You can read all about Jonathan and Gregory here. They signed up for the contest right around Valentine's Day. The universe must have been aligned that weekend because as most of you know, that's when I proposed to Rose! I am totally geeking out right now about how awesome this is!!!

They probably didn't even realize the impact they would have by not only entering, but actually winning. It's an amazing sign that the world is moving in the right direction. According to Greg, "We entered to win because we wanted to win a $100,000 wedding, we thought it would be fun. But now we call those our famous last words: It became something much bigger than us."

You go, guys!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Forget colors, I wanna DANCE!

As soon as I tell anyone I am planning a wedding, the immediate question is almost always...
"What are your colors?"

I never know exactly how to respond to this. Although I do understand that the majority of weddings begin with a concept of 2-4 colors that dictate the rest of the scheme, I just can't seem to wrap my head around the restrictions of picking two complimentary colors for a party where I envision so many, many looks and feelings. I've bounced around between so many color choices and just can't seem to settle.

In fact, the first thing that has really inspired me and gave me the exact "ambiance" of what I dream of for our wedding is a song. The Mating Game by BitterSweet gives exactly the romantic, playful, kitschy, loungy feel I want. If I could sum up how I imagine the evening, put it to music and possibly dance around with a hairbrush as a microphone... it would be to this very song.

So now I'm thinking of toally scrapping the idea of choosing colors altogether. I'm sure eventually things will fall into place and I'll have some sort of scheme (I mean, let's get serious... I won't let things clash!), but for now I'm working from an actual feeling that I want to portray. I like to call it "Vintage Glam meets Whimsical Playdate." And as long as everyone gets up to dance... with or without a hairbrush... I'll be happy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ruffled about...

Hello my name is Nicole... and I am addicted to ruffles.

If I spy a shirt at the mall with ruffles on it, I must purchase it (or at least try it on). If a handbag has ruffle detailing, I fall in love. Ruffles on shoes? Yes, please!

I just cannot get enough ruffles! They have a girly flare while still looking a little strange and interesting. And with the right fabric, they can almost be downright edgy. That's why today, when one of my coworkers came in with this bag, I nearly stole it right out from her arm. If only she weren't stronger than me!

She explained that she found it at a local Safeway where a handbag boutique had set up inside. Weird occurences like this never seem to happen to me... so I am left to fend for myself by shopping on ebay.

My coworker couldn't resist buying this bag because she said it reminded her of the detailing on Jackie Kennedy's wedding dress. Of course this statement sent me right over to a Google Image search which left me drooling over the oh-so-fabulousness:

And this instilled in me an even greater need to have some sort of ruffle detailing on my wedding dress. I mean come on, if Jackie "O" did it... it's always a good choice!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Pretty please, with icing on top?

This past week was wedding week on Cake Wrecks.  Insanely disturbing desserts? Oh yes... this blog's got them! So much you'll get a toothache...

Some of these weddings cakes are just so hysterically bad, it's difficult to look away. I love a sense of humor about something that can be taken way too seriously... Call me what you will but I just get a kick out of other people's misfortunes and bad choices.  I hope I stay this lighthearted about wedding planning but we shall see how hard I am laughing if things start to go awry...

"Alofa" means Love

May is Asian Pacific Heritage month which is extra exciting because I am married to a Pacific Islander. Well, technically she is "afakasi" which means half & half... her mother is Samoan & her father is Caucasian. But we stay in touch with her poly side as much as possible. Even I like to think I am of the islands sometimes... even with my milky white skin and inability to shake my hips.

This is what I have learned so far since I have been a part of Rose's Polynesian family:
• Rice is a staple at every meal. Including breakfast and Thanksgiving dinner.
• Samoans can DRINK.
• A man dressed in a floral moo-moo is apparently the epitome of comedy.
• It is perfectly acceptable to wear a wrap-around to the beach instead of a bathing suit.
• The night just begins at 2:00am.
• A flower tucked into your hair completes any outfit.
• Playing board games with family becomes a serious, and dangerous, competition.
• Don’t make your mother angry. She is in charge.
• Big events are celebrated around an entire roast pig.
• Tattoos are not just for the rebellious.
• Coconut milk can be added to almost any dish.
• ABBA rocks.
• Raw tuna is “cleansed” with lime juice.
• Ukulele playing is a normal night of entertainment.
• … As is taking turns showing off new dance moves.
• …. And watching a fire dance in the front yard.

I feel privileged to have been exposed to another culture during my life. Before meeting Rose,I had never even tried a mango, let alone all the other crazy foods I’ve ingested over the years because of her. Now, I am considered one of the clan and even have my own Samoan nickname – Tolè! I wore a flower in my hair on our wedding day as a homage to her heritage and plan to incorporate more traditions in our reception. Maybe some coconut rice at 2:00am or a fire dancing performance to ABBA? The possibilities are endless...