My very sweet friend threw together a game for Rose and I to play before going out for our "Bachelorette Party." She had us take turns writing our answers on dry erase boards and revealing them to earn points. These are the questions she came up with:
Nicole: If Rose was to make you dinner, what dish would she make for you?
Both: Where did you go on your first real date?
Rose: What did Nicole wear on your first date?
Nicole: What one habit of Rose’s do you find most annoying?
Both: Who initiated your first kiss?
Nicole: Name one activity that Rose does with you only because she loves you.
Both: What is the first movie you saw together?
Rose: What one thing that Nicole owns would you throw out if you could?
Nicole: What did Rose think about you the first time you met?
Both: Which song will be your first dance song?
Rose: What color underwear is Nicole wearing today?
Nicole: If you had little girl, what would Rose want to name her?
Both: Do you want children and how many have you agreed to have?
Rose: At what specific sport or game would Nicole say she’s better than you?
Nicole: If you gave Rose $50, what would she buy?
Both: If you could go anywhere on your honeymoon, where would it be?
Rose: If Nicole had a choice, where would she most like to live?
Nicole: If Rose could be any famous person, who would it be?
Both: What was that last thing that happened that made just the two of you laugh out loud together?
Rose: What one habit of Nicole’s do you find most annoying?
Nicole: What would Rose say is her favorite physical attribute of yours?
Both: What is the most unusual place the two of you have ever gotten frisky?
Rose: Which article of clothing is Nicole’s favorite to wear?
Nicole: Which would you say is Rose’s strongest drive: her hunger for food, her hunger for sex, or her hunger for sleep?
Both: Who was the first person to say “I love you” and how long had you been dating before it was said?
Rose: Which would you say is Nicole’s strongest drive: her hunger for shoes, her hunger for sex, or her hunger for sleep?
Nicole: What would Rose say is the one topic that you two argue about most?
Both: Which famous couple do you think you most resemble?
Rose: If Nicole was a Disney character, who would she be?